17 Features That Will Delight Your App's Users

Published by Drew Johnson · December 16 2019
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here are so many app features but they all can’t fit in one app! Which app features are the best? Which ones do you include in your app features list? Consider our top user-pleasing features when you start developing your app.

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1. Push Notifications

This feature is essential for any mobile app, so make sure you have it! These types of notifications can directly alert your users of new updates, reminders, or anything you want. Push notifications are great to offer your users because it provides them with real-time information and works better than “spammy” emails. They also increase app engagement by 88%.

2. Social Media Integration

If it’s relevant- include social media in your app. Users love to share what level they’re on, hilarious GIFS, their new jogging route, and just about everything. Plus, enabling social sharing gives your app more exposure and word-of-mouth referrals!  

3. Mobile Payment


Having an easy-to-use payment system allows users to have fast and simple transactions. Great for users and great for you! Integrating familiar services like Google Wallet, Apple Pay, and Paypal in your app is one way to simplify the transaction process.

4. Support

Anyone who uses your app should have access to all the support or help they need. FAQ’s, Live chats, support emails and automated/real customer service representatives are all options to consider for this feature.

5. Offline Features

If users can only access your app when they’re connected to a wireless signal, you’re setting them up for a negative experience once they try to use it offline. Having features that don’t require an internet connection will ensure a positive user experience at all times.

6. Security

Iphone Fingerprint

Providing security allows your users to have peace of mind knowing that their information is safe. It may seem like common sense, but this feature is a necessity for any app.

7. Branding

Branding is the way people perceive your app, from the home screen down to the font color. When you incorporate amazing branding in your app and consistently offer your users amazing experiences with it, they’ll keep coming back for more.

 8. Geolocation

Geolocation on Pokemon Go

Geolocation integration can connect users to social events, locate nearby stores and attractions, provide directions from your location and more. You can use this feature to expand your app’s functionality and increase its relevancy at the same time.

9. Feedback System

Giving your users a way to provide feedback is a win-win situation. They provide you with their questions, comments, or concerns to get resolved, and you receive valuable information you wouldn’t have found otherwise! Your users will also appreciate getting their opinions heard and problems recognized.

10. Customization


There’s no better way to give users what they want than to let them do it themselves. Giving users the option to customize different settings, layouts or features to their own preference makes a killer feature and user experience.

11. Simplicity

The best apps are short and succinct. The simpler the better. Get rid of any unnecessary features by streamlining functionality. You want users to engage in the app’s core experience and follow it through without being distracted or annoyed by irrelevant functions.

12. Reliability

What good is an app if you can’t use it? No one likes unexpected crashes, bugs or lag, so always incorporate QA in your development and run tests frequently.

13. Fewer Taps

To tie in with simplicity, you should aim to have as few taps or clicks as possible. Don’t make your users do more work than they need to. Ask for information in an efficient way that involves little effort on your user’s part.

14. Consistency


If your website, Facebook page and Twitter theme look the same, keep your app the same! Don’t leave out key features in your app just because you offer them elsewhere. Your users will be disappointed to find out that those familiar features were left out of the app. Keep your brand consistent throughout every platform and channel.

15. Seamless UI

Flatminus display

Your app’s UI can either make or break you. If users find your app too complicated to use, you probably won’t make the Top Charts anytime soon. An amazing user interface that users will love needs to have a perfect balance of stunning design and simple navigation.

16. Speed

Long load times can have your app deleted within 5 minutes if your users are frustrated enough, so make speed a top priority. Time is money!

17. Price

When pricing your in-app features, keep the end user in mind. You should be able to make a profit while keeping things affordable. Pricing your premium features at a reasonable rate makes it easier for people to enjoy your app while keeping their wallets intact.

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